If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

Friday, June 6, 2008

We meet at last

Senja and I met online...well through our blogs. We have a mutual friend Meike who she grew up with in Germany and who's in my ward now. We've been emailing for the past couple of months and she came down from Sweden for Meike's birthday and we finally got to meet. We chatted the entire evening and could have gone on all weekend. She's a lot of fun and it felt like I had known her forever. Well, we will be friends forever:)


Tara said...

I love internet friends. I'm going to meet one of mine in July. Also love your hair. I remember your old post when you went through those stages. I have been thinking of going dark again, but then it's so hard to go back to blonde. I just don't have the funds to do it right. It's really brassy. Sorry this turned into a comment all about me. This is supposed to be about you.

Charlotta-love said...

I haven't met any blogging friends in person but love how blogging has enriched my social life.

computer ~ social life? you bet!

Senja said...

Alice, you will also have a special feature in our blog - today or tomorrow. It was really fun to finally meet you (and Jared!) :) To friends for life and longer! :) I knew that if Meike and I dropped by your place on Sunday it would have been hard to leave because we could have been talking for ever..