If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


A couple of weeks ago Jared asked if I could get some vegetables for juicing. I said sure. I picked up tons of spinach, kale, carrots and beets. We added in some leftover parsley and mint that I had in the fridge also. The results. GROSS and GREEN! Jared gulped it down with a "I feel so healthy right now," remark. I sipped it with a "where's the sink I think I'm going to throw-up." We even scooped out the pulp and blended that into a smoothie. Like my mother always said, "wast not want not."

Anyhow, on Sunday Jared wanted to juice again so this time I prepared a more delicious assortment. Strawberries, beets, clementines, celery, carrots and...


The color was more appetizing and so was the juice. Jared scooped out the pulp and will use it for something.

I also mentioned to him later that we get all of those other vegetables in our daily meals so I think we're doing pretty good so far.


La Asistente said...

Delicious! Send me some...

Jill said...

My roommate made these all the time in LA...and she shared! They're so good! She would add almond butter too. I LOVED those shakes and I felt the same as Jared-- healthy!

Katie said...

mmmmm, so healthy! I've considered juicing.