If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Johnny was my first nephew to arrive in my life. I remember spending everyday after work with him while my sister taught piano lessons. He was the first joy.

Then came Hudson:)

He turns 2 today! I remember racing out to NYC two years ago when he was born, to hang out with Johnny his older brother and keep things running until my mother took over. Every teacher break I spent in NYC not wanting to miss their aging. I miss visiting them every other month. Before Jared they were the center of my world:)

Johnny on his recent 4th birthday

My first meeting with Hudson 2 yrs ago, recovering from a red-eye.

He was so calm then. That didn't last long.

He was turned into quite the character these days. I wait anxiously each day as the hours pass here in Zürich so I can call them. I used to call them on my way to work when we were in California. Speaking with Hudson each day is always a crack up.

This kid has been smiling since the week he was born.

I clearly was never a cheerleader.


Jenna said...

Happy Birthday Hudson.

I am sure he misses his Aunt Alice. I love all the sweet pictures especially the one with you and him. That was an awesome cheer-dance-song you performed. That is why we are friends, because you are so cool.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to skip the controversy since I prefer to shelter myself from that, and wish Hudson a happy birthday. Those are some of the cutest boys I know. And I am VERY picky about that sort of thing. I hope you're reunited with them soon. -sarah h.

Laura Gunn Studio said...

I don't know, I can definitely see you on the Hayward High Cheer leading squad. Maybe this was before your time, but do you remember the cheer: "Uh ung-gow-wa yo momma needs a showa." Harrd to find soemthing to rhyme with showa. Cute little nephews!

Jenny said...

You are such a cheerleader. We will exchange moves over Christmas becuase I was a runner with a secret desire to cheer. Go Foxes!!
We can practice in the living room at Dean's house.

Emma said...

Hudson giggled when I showed him your video and started singing Happy Birthday to himself. This week, he keeps saying to me "It's my birthday. Mommy, are you happy?" He can't wait to see you next week.