If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Milano, Italia

This past weekend Jared and I hopped on a train and headed to Milan, Italy. It was going to snow in Zürich and we wanted to see SUN!!! Which we did. We ate pizza, paninis, gelato, lasagna, ravioli and I had a donut. I didn't find any panna cotta but we're heading to Venice in February for my birthday so I'll try to find some then.

Jared was the navigator for the trip. We walked all over.

Before we got started on Saturday we had to stop so Jared could climb a tree:)

It was a beautiful park.

"Jared, what should we do next?" I asked. "I don't know, why don't you ask this guy."

He said that we should find some hot chocolate.

That was a great suggestion and I was very pleased with my Italian hocho. It was MarieBelle style (thick and chocolaty) and I thought of EmCox because she introduced me to that hot chocolate brand. Will I miss MarieBell? Nope, it's in the sea shipment which should arrive any day.

Next we headed to Doumo a famous and sacred cathedral in the center of Milan. But on the way Jared wanted to step on American soil for a moment. We passed by the United States Consulate.

I love the silhouettes of this street. Jared mentioned that the silhouettes had names.

Here's the roof to a shopping are we walked to.

Look what we walked by, Prada, which happened to be next to a store named Alice. Since we moved here I was intent on finding my name on something in Europe. HOORAY!

They also have an angel Moroni on the top! Hee hee.

We wandered around inside before...

climbing to the top!

Here's the roof.

I couldn't get over the layers and patterns everywhere.

After we ate pizza.

And gelato.

I found a vendor who sold donuts...sugar donuts...my favorite kind. It was good.

Then we headed to the Castello Sforzesco. It's big and has a mote. We actually went there twice because Jared liked it so much.

Saturday evening we got dressed up and went to the ballet at the Teatro alla Scala and saw Le Parc. It wasn't as dramatic as I'd hoped a ballet to be. It was good though. Most of the time I was noticing the spacing and lack of form in their lines while they were dancing. That's just a bit of my obsessive compulsive side.

We were literally in the nose bleed section. We were on the very back row.

As we wandered around on Sunday and went to a few art museums we noticed a few funny things. Like this torso and head within a torso.

Some thread and a needle sewing up the sidewalk.

I'll translate the sign, it's ok to bungee jump, wear gloves and a hat while in the work station, you can also wear boots and it's ok if your chain or rope breaks. It's NOT ok to walk under anything falling or dump your lunchbox out after eating lunch while on the scaffolding. Also, beware of the white man with a large black hand.

Here's a rose that Jared bought for me in the park with the last of the Euros that we had.

When we arrived home (to pouring rain) Jared and I noted to each other that it really felt like home and that we love our beautiful city that we live in.

Click here to see more shots!


m-l-e said...

ahh man! I love Italy so much that we're probably going to get engaged. Wait.. so did you see The Last Supper?!!!

Jenny said...

I love Italian icecream!!!!

Genean said...

Your pictures make it look like a very pretty European armpit.

Jenna said...

What a fabulous weekend trip. Yummy hocho and gelato. It is great to know they have so many Angel Moroni's everywhere :)

blueeyedfreckle said...

I actually laughed out loud to your translations of the work sign.