In HS I made a list of things to do before I die. I keep in my bedside table drawer. I haven't looked at it or ages but it's really fun to mark things off. Some of them are irrelevant now. The other day I got to mark off two.
#32. Become a mother.
#38. Marry someone tall.
I particularly love #124. Be in the circus and #76. Break a bone....Um what was I thinking about #76?

Take it from me--a three-time bone breaker--you don't want to do #76.
I particularly like #17: Dunk my body in glitter.
I remember this list! Stung by a bee? Something to aspire to?
This is fun!
I LOVE this list. we are so funny in high school aren't we? I can't believe you wanted to break a bone. silly alice. oh and I see you wanted to get stung by a bee also. and I must say I am not surprised you wanted to be in the circus... that's the randomness I love about you.
Thats cool that you made that. You still need to have a summersalt race with Jared! :)
Be a toll booth worker and fall from the sky like a star? Definitely two reasons why I love Alice! :)
I made a list like this just a couple of years ago. I'm working on one right now: I've just started learning to jump my horse!
{you know, you could just buy a tarantula right now and cross that one off your list! :-)}
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