If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Caught in the rain!

I don't like umbrella's. There were a lot out the other day as I was coming home. I fear for my eyeballs when it rains. I also think you're a wuss for using one. They're just awkward anyway.

I got drenched on the way home because the trams were not cooperating with my timing. Jared and I were going to go out to dinner and I texted him saying, "I'm not going back out there I'm making a quiche." I am just frustrated by the weather. Anyhow, he brought spring home to me that night:)

Maybe next time is rains, which will be Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, (not Tuesday because it's suppose to snow) I'll try one of these.


Amy McCown said...

I think we got caught in that same downpour. It is too hard to steer the stroller and use an umbrella. The UFOCAP may be the answer. :-)

Tanya D said...

I want that UFOCAP ASAP!

kim said...

If you do try one of those, I want to see pictures :)

Megan said...

Can't stop laughing, the UFOCAP is hilarious! Just think of how anyone, ESPECIALLY THE SWISS, would respond to someone walking down the street in one of these, I DARE ya. I will pitch in to buy one just to see you wear it.

Julie said...

We need to find out where to get that cap umbrella. Then we must wear them in public together. I can imagine the looks now :)This rain needs to stop!!

brooklyn said...

mmmm. quiche. i know what i'm having for dinner. thanks for the idea. i love all you recipe creations.

love the hood umbrella. awesome.

Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke said...

do you still have your yellow rain slicker? if you had a good umbrella that curved down over you, it would block others from almost poking you in the eye...think about that one.