If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Finn takes on the night

So, Finn was doing pretty well with the 8pm bedtime. Then the other night he refused to go to bed after several attempts. We think he might be getting a tooth, too early you might say. Well, I know he's not even 3 mos. but something sharp is there up top and he has been gnawing on our fingers and knuckles like crazy. Anyhow, I ended up succumbing to his wants and boy did he have a lot to say.


Jenny said...

noah and i had fun watching this video. we think he looks like smith

Julia said...

Oh, man! That was so funny! Based oh his facial expressions, he seems to know EXACTLY what he'saying!

Staci said...

so cute. the video kept stopping so i watched it until you said it's mom's bedtime, way past yours. love it. so typical. ;)
man, if he's getting a tooth at 3 months- that IS early. BUT- maybe then he'll get them out of the way earlier and then you can be home free.

Charlotta-love said...

It almost seems like he smiles after you say it's past YOUR bedtime. What a fun little guy!

Amy said...

we have been dealing with the same thing! it always seems like once you get a good groove going they decide to shake things up. love that baby talk. and i love hearing your laugh! reminds me of way back when.

OneOrdinaryGuy said...

My boys and I loved watching this, mashed up with some soft Sunday music streaming. Seems congruent...